
How We Achieved a 14.84 ROAS with Influencer Marketing + Performance Marketing

Imagine achieving a 14.84 ROAS with influencer marketing + Performance marketing!

Want to achieve crazy ROAS like this? 

Then read on to learn how we did it step by step and how you can implement this.

Influencer Marketing ROAS

Why did we select influencers and not stock videos?

Influencer-Created Ads Look More Like Educating and Not Selling! Helps Build Trust and Increase Sales.

One of the benefits of using influencer-created videos in your ads is that they tend to look more like UGC (User generated educational content) and less like traditional advertising. 

This can help us to build trust with our target audience and increase sales.

When people see ads that look like they are trying to sell them something, they are more likely to put up their guard. 

1. Steps to Planning a Successful Influencer Marketing Campaign

Influencer marketing is a powerful way to reach your target audience and build brand awareness. 

But before you launch your campaign, it’s important to have a solid plan in place. Here are five essential steps to planning your influencer marketing strategy:

Step 1: Understand the business and define USPs. 

The most important step in planning an influencer marketing campaign is to understand the business and their USP

In our case the USP was

  • Premium quality rice at an affordable price
  • Utilisation of advanced machinery so no requirement of cleaning grains at home

Step 2: Identified the target audience. 

Identifying the target audience is essential for planning a successful influencer marketing campaign for a rice brand.

Defining the right target audience will make it easy to find the influencers who resonate with our target audience.

Therefore, we conducted market research to identify define more about our client’s  the right target audience that matches with the USPs.  

Specifically, we studied the demographics, interests, and pain points of people in Bangalore who have an interest in cooking and were looking for good-quality rice.

Step 3: Select the right influencer

The first step in any influencer marketing campaign is to select the right influencer. You need to start by understanding your business inside and out. 

Here are the steps we followed to select the perfect one:

  1. Found someone who has a large and engaged following in our target market.
  2. Considered the influencer’s content style and values to make sure they are a good fit for our client’s brand.
  3. Ensured that the endorsement felt genuine rather than forced.  

Find the perfect Influencer

Therefore, carefully select an influencer whose content aligns with your brand’s values and image, ensuring a genuine endorsement. 

Step 4: Used hashtags to find location-specific influencers

Hashtags are a great way to find location-specific influencers. When you search for a hashtag on Instagram, you will see all of the posts that have been tagged with that hashtag. 

Therefore, e used hashtags like #bangalorerice, #bangalorefoodie, #bangalorefoodblogger, and so on. To find the right influencers who were from Bangalore and also interested in food!

Step 5: Check for the Engagement rate. 

Engagement rate measures how engaged the followers are with the influencer content. 

Engagement rate is a measure used to check how engaged the followers are with the influencer’s content.

A high engagement rate means their audience is more likely to be interested in the products or services they promote.

There are a few ways to calculate an influencer’s engagement rate. The simplest way is to divide the number of likes and comments on a post by the number of followers the influencer has. 

For our client, we Aim for influencers with an engagement rate of at least 5%. 

Now that you have understood how to choose the right influencer, let’s jump into the next part. I.e. How to approach them.

2. How to approach the right influencers for your brand

Step 1: DM the influencers for commercials

Once you have identified a few potential influencers, send them a direct message (DM) introducing yourself and your brand. 

Explain that you are interested in partnering with them to create commercials for your products or services. Be sure to mention that the videos they create will be used for ads.

Here is an example of a DM you could send:

Hi [influencer’s name],

My name is [your name] and I’m the [your title] at [your company]. We’re a [type of company] that sells [products or services]. I’m a big fan of your work and I think your audience would be a great fit for our brand.

We’re interested in partnering with you to create a commercial for our [product or service]. We’re open to ideas, but we’re thinking of something that is short, sweet, and to the point. We’d also love to include a coupon code for your followers.

If you’re interested, please let me know and we can discuss the details further.


[Your name]

Step 2: Be transparent about Ad use.

It is important to be transparent with the influencers you are working with. 

Let them know that the videos they create will be used for ads. 

This will give them the opportunity to decide if they are comfortable working with you and promoting your brand.

The advantage for the influencer lies in the substantial reach they gain through ads, as opposed to the diminishing reach of their organic posts within a span of 2-3 days.

Step 3: Got a contract signed

Once we have agreed to work with an influencer, it is important to get a contract signed. 

This contract outlines the terms of the agreement, including the influencer’s fee, the scope of work, and the delivery deadline.

It should also include a clause that gives you permission to use the influencer’s video for advertising purposes.

Step 4: Discussed the Brand USP, Script, and Deadline

Once the contract is signed, take some time to explain your brand’s USP (unique selling proposition) to the influencer. 

This will help them to create content that is authentic and relevant to your brand. 

You should also discuss the script for the commercial and set a deadline for posting.

Step 5: Created Reels for Maximum Reach

Reels are currently the most popular type of content on Instagram, so it is a good idea to ask the influencer to create a reel commercial for your brand.
This helped us to reach a wider audience at a lesser cost.

Step 6: Decide the coupon code to be provided to the influencer

Finally, we decided on a coupon or discount code that we wanted to offer to the influencer’s followers. 

This will incentivize the viewers to purchase your products or services.

As the margins were very less for the rice brand, we didn’t offer any coupon code.

But if you have the bandwidth, make sure you provide the coupon code.

3. Execution of the Influencer Marketing Campaign

Step 1: Guide influencer in creating Create engaging content

Once you have selected the right influencer, you need to make sure the influencer creates engaging content that will resonate with your audience. 

This could be a product review, a tutorial, or a behind-the-scenes look at your brand.

We worked with the influencer to create a series of reel videos that showcased our client’s products in a fun and creative way. 

The videos were well-received by the influencer’s audience, and they generated a lot of engagement.

Step 2: Influencer Posts Reel Videos with Coupon Code

Once we have agreed to the terms of the partnership with the influencer, they created and posted the reel videos on their Instagram accounts. 

The reel videos should include your coupon code so that you can track how many sales are generated directly from the influencer’s campaign.

It is important to note that many influencers use copyrighted music to achieve higher reach on their reels. This music cannot be used in ads, so you will not be able to promote the influencer’s reels 

However, you can still benefit from the organic reach of the influencer’s reels.

Step 3: Repost the Influencer’s Reel Video with Different Music

After the influencer has posted the reel video, we reposted it after 3-5 days on the client’s channel with different music. 

This allowed us to promote the reel video and reach a wider audience.

When you repost the reel video, be sure to tag the influencer so that they receive credit for their work.

Step 4:  Start Ads to target audience

Once we have reposted the reel video to your client’s channel, we started running ads with sales objective on Meta to our target audience. 

PRO TIP – We made sure that the existing post was selected while creating the Ad so the engagement from Ads would reflect in the organic post as well!

Here are the important steps to look into while launching the campaign

  • Optimise targeting

Once your content is ready, you need to optimise your targeting so that your ads are seen by the right people. 

This means using relevant Interests and targeting demographics that are likely to be interested in your products.

For our client, we used a combination of targeting methods to ensure that our ads were seen by people who were most likely to convert. 

The people we targeted were mostly health-conscious and People interested in cooking. We also targeted people who had engaged with the influencer’s content in the past.

  • Leverage media placements

In addition to targeting your ads to the right people, you can also leverage media placements to reach a wider audience. 

This could involve partnering with other influencers, publishers, or social media platforms.

We leveraged media placements to promote our client’s campaign on the influencer’s website and social media channels. 

The campaign was also promoted on relevant websites and social media groups.

  • Monitor and optimise campaigns

It is important to monitor your campaigns and make adjustments as needed. 

This will help you ensure that your campaigns are performing optimally and that you are achieving your desired results.

We monitored our client’s campaign closely and made adjustments to the targeting and bidding strategies as needed. 

The performance of each ad creative was monitored and adjustments were made to ensure the best results.

Step 5:  Repeat the same process with multiple influencers!

Once we had run a successful campaign with one influencer, we repeated the same process with multiple influencers. 

This will allow you to reach a wider audience and generate more sales.

The Results 

Our client’s influencer marketing campaign was a huge success. We achieved a ROAS of 14.84, which means that for every ₹14,724 we spent on advertising, we generated ₹218,700 in revenue.

This case study shows how influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for achieving high ROAS. 

By following the steps outlined above, businesses can partner with the right influencers, create engaging content, and leverage media placements to reach a wider audience and drive significant sales.

Got questions about the strategy? Feel free to reach out. We’re here to help you leverage the power of influencer marketing and drive exceptional results for your brand.